Simplified Junit 5

Hemant Joshi
2 min readApr 18, 2020


In this article, we will simply describe in simple words Junit 5. It has been around for a few years but developers are slow to adopt it. This article is here to explain its simpler and easily adaptable. I have highlighted some of the most important bullet points.

Here we explain what is Junit 5 and how is different from junit4.

Junit 5 Platform:

  1. New Platform

2. Lambdas Java 8+

3.TestEngine API

4. Launching Framework into JVM

JUnit Vintage supports backwards-compatible:

  1. Backwards compatible to Junit 4

2. Backwards compatible to Junit 3

3rd Party Support

  1. Cucumber

2. Specsys

What is Jupiter?

  1. Custom display names


2. Custom DisplayName Generator

3. @Tag

4. Tag Expression Language

5. Visibility

6. Lambda functions

@Test@DisplayName("+")void addStrings() {  assertEquals("OneTwo", "One"+"Two", () -> {      return "We can lazily display message if fails.";  });}

Please note failure message comes later like created lazily. It only built upon failure hence speedy response.

Exception Support

@DisplayName(“Number format exception”)
void numberFormatExceptionTest() {
final Integer a = 1;
final Integer b = 0;
Exception exception = assertThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> Integer.parseInt(“Five”));
assertEquals(“For input string: \”Five\””, exception.getMessage());

Lifecycle support

@BeforeAllstatic void initAll() {}@BeforeEachvoid init() {}@AfterEachvoid tearDown() {}@AfterAllstatic void tearDownAll() {}

Please visit Busines Integration Software for training and further details.

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